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Haley Can Win, Trump Can't - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal

Author: WSJ

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/nikki-haley-can-win-trump-republican-2024-election-3b6b92f6

Image of Haley Can Win, Trump Can't - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal

Andrew Stein cites good reasons to back Nikki Haley over Donald Trump (“I Backed Trump, but Now I’m for Haley,” op-ed, Oct.27).Here’s one more: While recent polls show a Trump-Biden matchup would be a toss-up, they also show that Ms.Haley would defeat President Biden by substantial margins.Republicans may not be known for seizing opportunities, but it looks like they would rather go down in flames with Mr. Trump than win with Ms.Haley.Robert HardawayCopyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.All Rights Reserved.87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

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